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Diet Restrictions

May 27, 2020

Diet Restrictions

Popculture is owned by a Chef and a Licensed Dietitian--they understand diet restrictions and are happy to answer any questions you may have! 

To make your shopping easier, we have added collections under our "Popcorn Collections" menu tab to include Dye Free, Gluten Free, and Vegan options. 

We also offer dairy free options every day with our premium ice cream. 



Also in News

Kansas City Magazine
Kansas City Magazine

December 02, 2023

"Whatever arcane incantations it takes to transmute the savory, spicy tang of a fried pickle into a popcorn flavoring, it works."
Live! From Jasper's Kitchen
Live! From Jasper's Kitchen

October 28, 2023

Listen to Jasper's interview with Popculture here!
KSHB41 - One Tank Trips!
KSHB41 - One Tank Trips!

November 11, 2022

KSHB41's Daisha Jones popped in to check out our tasting wall! Watch it here!